Global Worship Movement
Ministry Services and Outcome

Missionary Bootcamp
Missionary Bootcamp is a GWM comprehensive proprietary training program designed to prepare short-term recruits in the areas of theology, missiology, travel safety, logistics, and worship arts training. The purpose of the Missionary Bootcamp is to fully equip the next generation of artist missionaries to serve with GWM's short term assignments, with the eventual goal of full-time deployment in the future.

GWM's evangelistic outreach combines sound biblical teaching, relevant music, and engaging movement to create an outreach environment that is both culturally relevant and engages the whole person through active participation. This unique blend of elements has been proven to be effective in various contexts, from open air street evangelism, to public school assemblies, to church outreaches, to prison ministry.
Worship Seminars
From one-day events, to weekend intensives to week long formats, the GWM Worship Seminars seek to augment the local church's mandate in the fulfillment of Ephesians 4:12 specifically in the areas of worship and the arts. GWM helps to bring a hands-on professional/collegiate level worship and arts education into the field where this level of education is either unavailable or inaccessible to the average parishioner. The seminars are offered free of charge as a service to the community at large and the local church. Areas of instruction may include: biblical worship theology, the Levitical calling, dance technique, choreography, instrumental instruction in piano, guitar, drums, and bass, vocal instruction, and technical instruction in live sound, mixing, and video. Specific seminars will be selected based on the local need and available GWM deployed team members.