Global Worship Movement
At the heart of the GWM mandate is our work in bringing the gospel overseas, in support of existing works by passionate missionaries, regional bishops, and local pastors. GWM serves to bring resources and as a catalyst in the local work. Our process of going overseas is as follows:
Any GWM ministry initiatives begin with an invitation from pastors, evangelists, apostles, or church leaders who see that the ministry of GWM would be a great addition and a catalyst in their ongoing ministry efforts. The invitation is then carefully place under prayerful consideration by the GWM leadership team.
Upon acceptance of a ministry invitation, GWM then launches into ministry bootcamp mode. Prayer, pastoral ministry, and cultural training ensues upon the team, as well as musical and worship leading preparations. GWM leadership carefully considers the culture, demographic, and needs of the field, and prayerfully selects the worship music, word, and message that we will bring to the field. It is during this time that logistics and fundraising occurs.
Once all bags are packed, and GWM lands on the field, ministry is intense but rewarding. GWM outreaches may include school assemblies, prison outreach, local church rallies, open-air ministry, outdoor festivals, radio promotion, in addition to equipping the local church with worship seminars/masterclasses, and technical training and equipment.